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Lightweight Chests

Lightweight Chests allows you to protect your chests, barrels, furnaces, doors and more! Basically anything with an inventory can be protected with LWC, with the ability to allow others to access it on your terms!

Protection Creation

  • /cpublic creates a public protection

This lets you share a block with everyone without them being able to break unlock it.

  • /cprivate creates a private protection

This is the default protection which is created when placing a block.
By default, you will be the only person who can access a private protection. You are able to add others to this protection after the fact, as well as adding it on creation by adding their name after the command, e.g. /cprivate RobotoRaccoon would allow yourself and RobotoRaccoon to the new protection.

  • /cpassword <Password> creates a password protection

Every time you log in you need to re-enter the password to access this protection. Anybody who knows the password is able to access these protections.

  • /cdonation creates a donation protection

Anybody is able to put items into this protection, however only allowed people can take them back out.

  • /cdisplay creates a display protection

Anybody can view the contents of this protection, however cannot put anything in or take anything out.

Protection Management

  • /cmodify <User> [User]… modifies access to an existing protection

Modifying a protection allows you to do three things: grant access (default, no prefix); remove access (prefix -); and give admin access (prefix @).
/cmodify RobotoRaccoon adds RobotoRaccoon to the protection
/cmodify -RobotoRaccoon removes RobotoRaccoon from the protection
/cmodify @RobotoRaccoon adds RobotoRaccoon to the protection as an admin

  • /cremove removes a protection
  • /cunlock unlocks a password-protected protection
  • /cinfo shows info on a protection
  • /climits shows how many protections you own. You are allowed to create unlimited protections on MCAU

Protection Flags

Protection flags all end in either off or on. * /credstone toggles whether redstone affects the protection * /cmagnet pulls nearby blocks into the protection (only for blocks with an inventory) * /cautoclose automatically closes a protected door a short time after it's opened * /callowexplosions allows the protection to be destroyed by an explosion. No effect in survival * /chopper allows hoppers to give to and take from a protection. Functionally equivalent to both /chopperin and /chopperout * /chopperin allows hoppers to give to a protection * /chopperout allows hoppers to take from a protection

User Modes

* /cpersist lets you perform the same action on multiple blocks/protections without retyping the command * /cdroptransfer makes dropped items automatically go to a designated protection /cdroptransfer select selects the protection items go to /cdroptransfer <on/off> turns drop transfer on/off /cdroptransfer status shows the status of drop transfer * /cnolock disables automatic protection creation * /cnospam** disables protection creation messages

pluginhelp/lwc.1671700494.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/22 09:14 by AdeptCain