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Rocket Boots

While flying isn't available to players by default, there are items that will allow you to do so, at the cost of fuel. This comes in the form of Rocket Boots.

This guide will teach you how to make your own pair, as well as how to repair them using a Repair Stand. We'll also go into depth of the variants and enhancements that are available, to make boot work the way you need them to (or have some fun in!).

The Basics of Rocket Boots

A basic set of Rocket Boots requires three parts: a Controller, a Booster, and a Material Type. While the controller remains the same across all types, the level of Booster determimines the speed you travel, and the Material determines durability and fuel consumption.



Booster Level I:

Booster Level II:

Booster Level III:

Booster Level IV:

Booster Level V:

There is also a secret recipe for a Booster Level X. If you put two and two together, I'm sure you'll figure it out ;)

pluginhelp/rboots.1554375081.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/04 10:51 by Iyssden