The Minecraft Australia Player Knowledge Base

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Welcome Book & Beginners Guide

The Welcome Book is a book that all players receive upon first joining the server. It contains many helpful tips for getting the most out of your experience on MCAU.

Welcome to MCAU

MCAU is a survival server. You can ask for help in game using the chat function by pressing t in game, or you can run the /help command.

PVP is disabled by default on the server, however there are some places where PVP is allowed (such as the PVP Arena).

For Minigames, including PVP Minigames, type /event and you'll be taken to the Event Server.

You can head to the website which has links to our community chat rooms (both on IRC and Discord), along with our Forums. Discord is the best method of contacting Staff should you have any problems.


MCAU has several different ranks that players can attain through their building prowess. You can find a complete list of the Ranks at, or by checking out our Ranks page.

Useful Commands

Below are some useful commands you can use.

  • /rules will bring up the Rules List in chat.
  • You can receive some basic tools by using /kit tools.
  • /spawn will return you to the map spawn point.
  • /wild will take you to a random spot on the map. Note that this may also take you into some peoples builds, so be mindful when you are exploring.
  • The /back command. Did you die? Or did you tp somewhere and now want to go back to where you last were? Simply type /back! Note that if you died and you use this command, be aware that the thing that killed you may still be there…
  • The /sethome command allows a user to set a home point, which that player can then tp to at any time. To name the tp so it makes it easy to remember, type (for example) /sethome house which will create a home named “house” for you. To access that warp, simply type /home house.
  • /tpa allows you to send a teleport request to another player. For example, if you wanted to teleport to a player named Wally, you would type /tpa Wally. This command will send a request to teleport TO someone. To have someone teleport to you, they would need to send the /tpa request. Donors have access to the /tpahere command, which allows you to request someone to teleport to you. Check out the Donors link for more information on becoming a Donor.
    • /tpaccept accepts a teleport request.
    • /tpdeny declines a teleport request.
    • /tptoggle allows you to turn the ability for people to send you teleport requests on or off.
  • /msg allows you to privately message another player. The command is /msg Player Message where Player is the person you want to message, and Message is what you want to say.
    • Use /r Message to reply to the last private message you received., again where Message is what you want to say. Be warned though - if someone else sends you a private message while you are replying to someone else, and you're using the /r shortcut, you will reply to the last person who PM'd you!
  • /list will reveal which players are online.
    • /modlist will only show which Staff and Mods are online.
  • /modreq is one of the most important commands you'll want access to in MCAU. Did someone come and grief your build? Go to the location and type /modreq in game, along with why you need assistance. Modreqs are not just for reporting griefing, it can be used for other things too. If in doubt about whether or not to use the /modreq command, ask in chat.
  • /rhelp will take you to the Region Help area, in order to help you understand how to protect your builds.
    • //wand will give you a Wooden Hoe. This tool is used for marking out regions.
    • /rg claim RegionName will claim the selected region as made by the wand tool. RegionName is the name you wish to call your region.
    • You can add people to your region by using the /rg addmember RegionName Player where Player is the person you want to give access to for your region.
      • Use /rg removemember RegionName Player to remove someone from your region.
  • /dchest opens the Donation Chest. All players can access this chest so if you want to put unwanted items in there, or something that people may want, use the chest to dump and get stuff.


There are many public farms around, and many places give out basic food items. If you don't know where to go, ask in chat and someone will be able to help.


Want to see what the map looks like? Check out the map at


Aside from the commands above, there are also a bunch of useful warps that players can use.

* /warp treefarm will take you to the public tree farm where you can get saplings, wood and leaves. Remember though, use the /fixtree command to restore the tree farm to its original state so it is ready for the next person.
* /warp sandpit will take you to the sand ship where you can mine and excavate a bunch of sand. When you're done, use the /fixsand command to refill it.

  • There is a cooldown on the /fixsand command and sometimes this prevents users from refilling the sand pit. If this happens, either ping a staff member in game or leave a /modreq.
  • Before using the /fixsand command, make sure you are out of the sandpit area! Sometimes the system will not remove you from the sandpit prior to it refilling, so you may end up suffocating.

* /warp portal will take you to the Portal room, where you will find the Nether and End portals. Please note that due to the spawning nature of Nether Portals, players cannot have personal portals of any kind.
* /warp enchanting will take you to the enchanting room where you will find Anvils and Enchanting Tables.
* /warp honeybadger will take you to the Honey Badgers lair. He guards the /xpbank so you can save your levels. For every 10 levels, you can store 8 (the Honey Badger takes a 2 level “fee” as his wage). /xpbank store will save your levels, while /xpbank retrieve will withdraw your levels. Note that when you are withdrawing your levels, you will receive ALL the levels you have stored, not just a selection.

help/welcomebook.1553385630.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/24 11:00 by Lore